Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Devotion to the Holy Face. Part 6.

Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration

Meditations on the Holy Face

Frequent mention is made of the Face of God in the Old Testament. “Show us Thy Face, O Lord, and we shall be saved,” cries the psalmist. The angels and saints adore this Face in heaven; the patriarchs, prophets and just of all ages have contemplated It with profound veneration and religious awe. But when the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, the Word, was made Man, the Divine Face became in the Person of Jesus Christ, an object of admiration, respect and love. How charming was the human Countenance of Him whose eternal , uncreated beauty fills all heaven with eternal bliss! Men beheld with admiration the Son of God incarnate. Most profound humility, most exalted purity, most tender love, most sublime majesty, beamed from His Divine Face, for, as St. Paul writes, “The goodness and kindness of God our Savior hath appeared” (Tit. iii. 4). In beauty and perfection He surpassed all the children of men.

The Adorable Face in Childhood

Oh, with what sentiments must the Blessed Virgin Mary have gazed into the Countenance of her new-born Infant as He lay in the manger! This Infant reflected the splendor , the sanctity , the majesty of God, but likewise the beauty, the holiness and the sweetness of His virgin Mother. With Mary and Joseph, let us gaze upon the sweet, radiant Face of this amiable Child, the “most beautiful of the sons of men.” For two thousand years the patriarchs and prophets had desired to see this Face. “Lord, show us Thy Face and we shall be saved,” was their unceasing prayer. At length this Face appeared! See how beautiful and amiable It is! Its first tears, Its first smiles, are for our salvation. With the prophet let us exclaim: “The light of Thy Face hath been shed upon us, 0 Lord; Thou hast given joy to our hearts!”