Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Devotion to the Holy Face. Part 5.

Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration

Promises in Favor of All Who Honor the Holy Face of Our Savior

1. “All those who meditate frequently on the vision of My Divine Face, attracted by the desires of love, shall receive within them, by the virtue of My Humanity, a bright ray of My Divinity, which shall enlighten their inmost souls, so that they shall reflect the light of My Countenance in a special manner throughout eternity.” — St. Gertrude.

2. Our Lord, having been asked by St. Mechtilde to grant that those who celebrate the memory of His sweet Face should never be deprived of His amiable company, replied: “Not one of them shall be separated from Me.”

The following are taken from the writings of Sister St. Peter, Carmelite nun of Tours: —

3. “Our Lord has promised me that He will imprint His Divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His Holy Face.” — Jan. 21, 1847. “This Adorable Face is, as it were, the seal of the Divinity, which has the virtue of reproducing in souls God’s Image.” — Nov. 6, 1845.

4. “By My Holy Face you shall work miracles.” —Oct. 27, 1845.

5. “By My Holy Face you will obtain the conversion of numberless sinners. Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused you. Oh, if you but knew how pleasing is the sight of My Face to My Heavenly Father!” — Nov. 22, 1846.

6. “As you can procure in a kingdom all you wish through a coin marked with the king’s effigy, so in the kingdom of heaven will you obtain all your desires through the precious coin of My holy Humanity, which is My Adorable Countenance.”— Oct. 29, 1845.

7. “According to the care you take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemers, so will I take care of yours which has been disfigured by sin. I will reprint upon it My Image and render it as beautiful as it was on leaving the baptismal font.” — Nov. 3, 1845.

8. “Our Savior has promised me,” said Sister St. Peter again, “that He will defend before His Father all who in this work of reparation defend His cause by word, prayer or writing; that at their death He will purify their souls, effacing all stain of sin, and restore to them their primitive beauty.” — Mar. 12, 184 6.

How wonderful and consoling are these promises!