Theory and practice of the confessional by Caspar Erich Schieler, Richard Frederick Clarke
25. The Confession of Doubtful Sins.
There are three points of view from which a sin may be regarded as doubtful: —
1. With regard to the existence of the sinful action, as when a man doubts whether he really committed the action.
2. With regard to the quality of the sin, as when a man knows he has sinned, but doubts whether it is a mortal or a venial sin.
3. With regard to the confession of a sin, as when a man knows he sinned grievously but doubts whether he ever confessed his sin.
The doubt may be positive or negative. A negative doubt exists when no solid reason can be given either pro or con, but only insignificant arguments for both sides, so that no decision can be arrived at. A positive doubt exists where two contradictory propositions have each solid reasons in their support.
Armed with these premises we are now in a position to set forth the doctrine with regard to the confession of doubtful sins.
25. The Confession of Doubtful Sins.
There are three points of view from which a sin may be regarded as doubtful: —
1. With regard to the existence of the sinful action, as when a man doubts whether he really committed the action.
2. With regard to the quality of the sin, as when a man knows he has sinned, but doubts whether it is a mortal or a venial sin.
3. With regard to the confession of a sin, as when a man knows he sinned grievously but doubts whether he ever confessed his sin.
The doubt may be positive or negative. A negative doubt exists when no solid reason can be given either pro or con, but only insignificant arguments for both sides, so that no decision can be arrived at. A positive doubt exists where two contradictory propositions have each solid reasons in their support.
Armed with these premises we are now in a position to set forth the doctrine with regard to the confession of doubtful sins.