Monday, 15 August 2016

Devotion to the Holy Face. Part 10.

Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration

Praises of the Holy Face

Blessed be Jesus!

Blessed be the Holy Face of Jesus!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the majesty and beauty of Its heavenly features!

Blessed be the Holy Face through the words which issued from Its Divine mouth!

Blessed be the Holy Face through all the glances of Its Adorable eyes!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the transfiguration of Thabor!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the fatigues of Its apostolate!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the bloody sweat of the agony!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the humiliations of the Passion!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the sufferings of death!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the splendor of the resurrection!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the glory of light eternal!