Friday 22 July 2016

The tragedy of Calvary. Part 155.

The tragedy of Calvary: or the minute details of Christ's life from Palm Sunday morning till the resurrection and ascension taken from prophecy, history, revelations and ancient writings by Meagher, Jas. L. (James Luke), 1848-1920

Those who witnessed the terrible Tragedy of Calvary related the details to the Apostles who had not been present. Those who lived in the sacred city went to their homes. The women retired to the little cells like bedrooms in the different parts of the building, and after they had removed their sandals, girdles, and outer clothing they lay down on the divans along the walls. The men lay on the floors of the Cenacle and in other rooms with their clothes on, as was the custom of the pilgrims who came up to the Holy City for the feasts of Israel.

In the morning, from the hanging lamp before the Aaron, " the Ark," facing the east in the Cenacle, they lighted the candles, and said the synagogue morning prayers, men and women separated. Then all got ready to attend the great Sabbath service in the Temple. John went with the Mother his dying Lord had given him. The Virgin visited the places in the Temple where she had passed her youth till her fifteenth year when she was espoused to Joseph, she recalled the many happy years she lived there, reading the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, the Prophets, the sacred writings which foretold her Son, his life, his Passion and his death.

That early hour the Temple was nearly deserted. Priests were seen flitting back and forth, preparing for the service, but filled with fear and trembling, expecting every moment the miracles of the day before would be repeated. That Sabbath within the Easter, or Passover, was the greatest Sabbath or " rest" of the year, for it recalled the rest of God after the creation, but especially is foretold the rest of Christ in the tomb after his work of saving man by his Passion and his death. That Sabbath people were allowed to enter the court of the priests, and the Lord's Mother with John and her friends, took advantage of that privilege to visit the sacred inclosure.

In the Temple they met the sons of that aged Simeon, who had taken Christ into his arms when a child, and foretold his mission and the Virgin's sorrows. The nephews of Joseph of Arimathea first heard from them the news of their uncle's arrest. These four Jews were inspectors of the Temple, and they offered to show the Lord's Mother and the disciples over the building.