Wednesday, 6 April 2016

The tragedy of Calvary. Part 68.

The tragedy of Calvary: or the minute details of Christ's life from Palm Sunday morning till the resurrection and ascension taken prophecy, history, revelations and ancient writings by Meagher, Jas. L. (James Luke), 1848-1920

The Psalm of the day was always sung in three sections. At the close of each section the priests blew three blasts from their trumpets, and the whole priests and people bowed and worshiped. This was Monday, the second day of the week, and they sang Psalm 'xlvii., " Great is the Lord, and exceedingly to be praised," etc. (Tamid, Sec. VII., and Malmonides.)

The great public service ended with this Psalm, and then began the sacrifices and offerings, which private Jews brought, and the priests appointed for that function received them, and were occupied till the time of the evening sacrifice.

The Psalm which ended the evening service each day varied. On the first day of the week, corresponding to our Sunday, they sang Psalm xxiii., " The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof," etc., in memory of the first day of creation, "when God possessed the world and ruled it," as Jewish writers say.

On the second day, Monday, they sang Psalm xlvii., " Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised," etc., be cause, on the second day of creation, the Lord divided his works and reigned over them.

On the third day, Tuesday, they sang Psalm Ixxxi., " God hath stood in the congregation of gods," because on that day the earth appeared out of the waters over which God rules.

On the fourth day, Wednesday, they sang, " The Lord is the God to whom revenge belongeth," etc., as Psalm xciii. begins, " because on the fourth day God made the sun, moon, and stars, and he will be revenged on those who worship them," as did the pagans in the time of Christ.

The fifth day, Thursday, they closed the service with Psalm Ixxx., " Rejoice to God our helper," etc., because on that day he made a great variety of creatures to praise his holy name.

Friday, the sixth day, they sang Psalm xcii., "The Lord hath reigned, he is clothed with beauty," because on that day he made man and with him finished all his works.

On the Sabbath, or Saturday, they closed with the beautiful words of Psalm xci., " It is good to give praise to the Lord," etc., for the Sabbath rest foretold the time when the Messiah would come, they believed, and establish the millennium, when all mankind would rest from wars and afflictions, and the Jewish nation under him would rule over all the earth. (Talmud Bab. V., Aboth, cap. 1, p. 8.)

When the Apostles formed the Breviaries in the different rites, they followed the custom of the Temple and the synagogues in reciting these Psalms on these days, and we have some of them in the office of Prime in the Breviary. These are recited to this day in the Jewish synagogues, as may be seen in the Jewish Prayer Book.