As soon as this prodigious sweat became frequent, and copious in quantity, pieces of clean linen were carefully placed over the sacred image of our Lord, and with the necessary permission of ecclesiastical authority were removed when observed to have become saturated with this prodigious liquor. This having been wrung into a small vessel, it was put aside into a closet, and almost forgotten. But after some time the Rev. Laurence Lapedota, having had occasion to look for it, remarked that it had somewhat increased in quantity. This prodigious multiplication becoming daily more evident, the pious priest, through his private devotion, poured out a portion of this liquor into another vial; it continued, however, to increase. On several occasions the first vessel was entirely emptied, but in a short time was found replenished to the brim, occasionally overflowing into a saucer or salver, placed under it for this purpose. Still more surprising is the fact that some empty vials, having been left for future use near this vessel, were found filled with the same miraculous liquor. This experiment was purposely repeated several times, and always with the same result.The ordinary color of this prodigious liquor is similar to that of dry straw, but occasionally it becomes light and clear, and at other times more heavy and sub-obscure. Ordinarily, in tasting it, the liquor has no particular savor, but sometimes it tastes like cinnamon. At the bottom of this glass bottle a sediment can be perceived, exhibiting the appearance of bloody traces deeply marked.
The following remarkable circumstances are connected with this miraculous sweat.
1. It is incorruptible. Vials full or partially filled with this sweat, since the year 1866 have been preserved, but not the least deterioration can be detected.
2. This prodigious liquor changes color when given to different persons. With some it is limpid and clear, like crystal; with others it becomes turbid, and even blackish. This last gloomy color generally forebodes imminent misfortunes and serious evils.
3. A peculiar odor usually remains in the vial or vessel wherein this miraculous liquor is collected. With some persons, however, the fragrance is more persistent, whilst with others it is more intermittent. Sometimes this odor becomes disagreeable to some persons, and at the same time it is very pleasant to others. Without pretending to penetrate the hidden secrets of the human health, we may suppose that the state of conscience of individuals contributes much to these different sensations.
4. The miraculous liquor having been given in small doses to drink to sick persons, has often produced more or less instantaneous cures, or it has certainly been the beginning of physical amelioration. There is no doubt that all those persons who have used this liquor with sentiments of a lively faith, and in good moral dispositions, have always been benefited thereby in body and soul.
5. This miraculous perfume, the nature of which cannot be described by human experience, not only exudes from the sacred waxen image of our Infant Savior, but also, from its little cradle, from the linen, and other objects placed in contact with it. On the following occasion this heavenly perfume was particularly remarkable:
6. In the month of November, 1866, Father Bruni, in company with several other persons, having had occasion to remove the glass shade covering the sacred image, all were suddenly refreshed with a most agreeable perfume of roses, as if they had been in a flower garden, surrounded with roseplants in full bloom.
7. In April, 1867, one of the Sisters of Charity at Bari, having by permission placed an artificial lily on the sacred image for a short time, in taking it back she perceived that it had received miraculous impressions, and exhaled an extraordinary fragrance. Without mentioning these facts, the good sister forwarded this lily, enclosed in a letter, to a pious friend in France, who, in acknowledging its safe receipt, expressed great admiration at its indescribable perfume.